“Mentor Card” Component

Design: zeplin.

The mentor card displays the summary of mentors. The card is used by member to evaluate the mentor and select the mentor if possible.

Mentor is not connected to the member

Profile image of Jane Ngai
Jane Ngai
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Available: Wed (9pm-12am), Thursday (9pm-12am)
Timezone: Asia/Hong Kong
Available as a mentor: Yes
Nice to meet you. I am a Design director/ educator with 17 years of experience in the Human-Centred Design field across Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, and Toronto.Experienced in UX/ Service Design/UX research, in Internet companies and consultingCurrently a part-time lecturer at The PolyTechnic University of Hong Kong, formerly UX faculty and Associate Chair at SCADExperienced in design team management and have built teams from scratchI am happy to do portfolio reviews and have career chats.


  • mentor (required)

    The mentor being displayed.

  • session

    A scheduled 1h meeting between Student and Mentor

  • enrollment

    Bootcamp Enrollment connected to the Mentoring Session