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ā€œDialogā€ Component

Design: zeplin.

The modal dialog is a disruptive dialog box that appears in front of a pageā€™s content. It is used to convey important information within context of the page, since it blocks the pageā€™s content while keeping it in view (on medium and large viewports).

Modal dialogs should be used intentionally and sparingly. They are disruptive to a userā€™s flow and thus should be used to:

  • Confirm a userā€™s action, especially if the action is destructive (e.g. dropping a course) or irreversible.
  • Provide additional informationā€”especially rich information containing lists or imagesā€”that cannot fit into a tooltip or text on the page.
  • Let users fill up a form within context, in cases where this helps to either speed up the process or return users to their original flows after the completion of the form. For instance, the ā€œAdd a member to a course scheduleā€ modal allows an admin to quickly add someone to a course schedule without having to go to a separate page.

Note About Accessibility

Always use button to open dialogs. Even when in cases where the button is supposed to look like a link, button with class ā€œlinkā€ should be used instead of an anchor tag. Using a button is better for accessibility.

Basic Dialog


<button class="button button--primary" data-dialog="basicDialog">
    Open Modal Dialog

<x-dialog id="basicDialog">
        Dialog title

    <p>Dialog content</p>

Confirmation Dialog


<button class="button button--primary" data-dialog="deleteCommentDialog">
    Open Confirmation Dialog

<x-dialog id="deleteCommentDialog">
        Delete reply?

        Are you sure you want to delete your reply? This action cannot be undone.

        <button value="ACTION_DELETE" class="button button--warning">Yes, delete comment</button>
        <button value="" class="button button--ghost">Cancel</button>
To intercept delete button click we can use code like below:
const deleteCommentDialog = document.querySelector('#deleteCommentDialog');
deleteCommentDialog.addEventListener('close', () => {
    if (deleteCommentDialog.returnValue === 'DELETE_ACTION') {

Dialog with AJAX form


<button class="button button--primary" data-dialog="searchMemberDialog">
    Open Form Modal Dialog

<x-dialog id="searchMemberDialog">
        Add a member to a course schedule

    <div class="form__field">
        <label for="memberKeyword" class="pb-small mb-none">
            Name, email or member ID
        <div class="inputGroup">
            <input type="text" id="memberKeyword" name="keyword" placeholder="Please enter a memberā€™s name, ID, or email address" required minlength="3" autofocus autocomplete="off">
            <div class="inputGroup__addon inputGroup__addon--noBorder">
                <button type="submit" class="button button--primary ixdf-spinner">
Below is example of code that could handle AJAX requests:
const authorDialog = document.querySelector('#searchMemberDialog');
authorDialog.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {

authorDialog.addEventListener('close', () => {