
Media Resource pack

You can download our Media Resource pack here, which contains our Identity Manual (logo applications, as well as color scheme), other useful supporting materials, and instructions on setting up Facebook or LinkedIn groups for Local Group Leaders.

Download Media Resources


The Interaction Design Foundation logo represents our members, our team and our commitment to great design education. Here are some ways to make that representation awesome.

Logotype & Symbol

Interaction Design Foundation Logo Full


Interaction Design Foundation Symbol with transparent background Interaction Design Foundation Symbol with dark background Interaction Design Foundation Logo Symbol with gray background Interaction Design Foundation with no background or boundary

Clear Space

Make sure the logo has visual room to breathe. Leave 1/3 of the logo’s width and height on all sides.

Interaction Design Foundation Symbol Clear space

Minimum Size

Interaction Design Foundation Logo minimum size

Maximum Size

Interaction Design Foundation Logo maximum size

Please Do Not

Interaction Design Foundation distorted logo

Distort the logo

Interaction Design Foundation pattern Logo

Use it as a pattern

Interaction Design Foundation Logo with frame text

Use it to frame text

Interaction Design Foundation Logo wit skid-mark

Run it over with a car